Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4

Last week we learned that Mom's cancer has stopped being treatable.  Her doctor gave her a few options, but she chose to go off treatment and start hospice care at home.  This option, he said, would bring her life expectancy down to about a month, at the most. 

She was transferred to a hospice facility while Angela arranged to have the medical equipment delivered to her house.  The facility is very comfortable- a more homey setting, cheerful and set up for families to come visit.  Mom seems more comfortable there than at the hospital.  Sadly, they found an infection by her abdominal drain yesterday, so her homecoming has been delayed until it has been treated sufficiently.

Mom sleeps a lot now.  She doesn't eat much and what she does, she has trouble keeping down.  She enjoys company, but in small doses, as she tires easily.  If you are in the area, she is located at the Hospice of the Valley facility near Mercy Gilbert hospital.  You can always call Angela if you want to check before visiting.    

We are grateful for all the prayers expressed in her and our behalf lately.  We know that Mom's time her is coming to a close, but we are grateful to know that there is a life after this one where she will be welcomed with open arms.  And where she will no longer be in pain. 


  1. In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. ~ Albert Schweitzer

    More than 35 years ago, we met Suzie & Rusty at an apartment fire in Va Beach, VA. That meeting led to a weekly event where we played the game Mille Bornes card game & drank homemade sangria. Our friendship grew & flourished enough that they shared a precious gift. the gift of their testimonies & sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with us. After a turbulent time, the Lord convince me that I should become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. What a precious gift it has been, with a very long distant call to Hawaii, Rusty assured me that I was worthy to take Maggie & the girls (Sarah & Katie) to the temple. We have never looked back, always forward. July 24th will be a very special place in my heart, for Suzie is 5 days older than me & we have enjoyed sending special cards to each other for over thirty years. Thank you Mitchell's, each of you will hold a special page in the history of the Cary family. This isn't goodbye, only so long, again, Suzie leads the way to another adventure. Love Ya XOXO

  2. I really enjoyed having Susie and Angela in our ward. I was sad when they moved out. I am praying for Susie! We love you and know you will continue to do magnificent things after this life!

  3. I loved working with Susie, always upbeat and fun. Love her a lot! Laura Buckmister

  4. I know of few people who have had more trials than you Susie... You always faced them and never let them get you down. You are my hero and I am so glad that I have had the pleasure of crossing paths and having your be in my life. We have you in our prayers -- as well as all of your family. Angela, please let me know if there is anything that we can do for you or your family.

  5. I was prayer...why God would have allowed my sweet friend to endure so much hardship, and suffer so much with the cancer. It was a revelation that came, that it wasn't God's love for Susie that was at issue. He loves her infinitely. Her trial wasn't to disprove His love for her, or any of us that suffer through trials, but so that in our faithfulness through that trial, we prove our love for Him. My perspective changed. Susie has been a constant example of faith and trust in God. I think in the final analysis, Susie would count it a small price to pay to secure her place on the right hand of God. Still, I am sad. I don't want my sweet friend - sister - to have to leave us. It comforts me to know that our friendship is eternal, and that right now, she has her children around her. You are her best life's work.

    1. Every once in a while I receive a great blessing. About 28 years ago I prayed for a friend and my prayer was answered. Heavenly Father sent Susie to me, and not just her but her whole family. Susie, you have taught me what it is to be a true friend. You have given all that you have, your whole self, to serving and sharing and uplifting others. You have given me your time, friendship, counsel and love. That's just who you are, a very choice daughter of God who has served Him with humility. I feel so blessed to know you and your family.
      Love you,
      Diane (a.k.a. Miss Diane)

  6. Susie was my visiting teacher and I was always lifted up when she came. I would tell her she was one of my most favorite people because even through all of her trials, she was always positive and happy. I love her with all my heart. A great example of Christlike living. My continued prayers for Susie and her family.
    Jennifer Thompson
